Meet July 2024’s Community Superhero: Stephanie Allen

Stephanie Allen with Madison City SchoolsAs the mental health coordinator for Madison City Schools, Stephanie Allen is a great example of hope for hundreds of students and their families. Due to her steadfast dedication to serving children and her passion for mental health, she has positively impacted countless lives, making her a real superhero.

Stephanie’s journey in mental health began in her formative years. Driven by a desire to effect real change in her community, she pursued a degree in psychology and a master’s in counseling. Her career with Madison City Schools began as a school counselor, a role that allowed her to naturally connect with children. This connection, coupled with her unwavering dedication, led her to her current position as the Mental Health Coordinator, where she oversees the district’s mental health programs. Her daily roles span immediate crisis response to the development of a full-fledged mental health program plan. She knows mental health, physical health, and social relationships all contribute to a child’s academic performance. She pushes for the support students need to succeed, including counseling services, support groups, and educational workshops.

Stephanie was instrumental in bringing the Handle With Care program to Madison City Schools. This program, implemented by the National Children’s Advocacy Center, allows first responders to inform schools through an online database when a child has been through any trauma. To respect the child’s privacy, emergency responders provide no details to the school faculty. School leaders only learn the child might need some extra that day.

Stephanie says the most fulfilling aspect of her work is her impact on her students and her ability to make their heaviest day a little bit lighter. Redstone Federal Credit Union and the National Children’s Advocacy Center consider it a privilege to share her story and name her the Community Superhero for July.
